Gardening for the Feelgood Factor?
Foliage is dominant in the above spring shot of perennials combined together in semi-shade in Foggy Bottom. From L-R; Rodgersia podophylla, Brunnera ‘Jack Frost’, Hosta ‘Sagae’
The Upside
It seems gardening comes alive in the media as we approach the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2019. Stories of that iconic show abound as the excitement and extensive media coverage increases.
We read about what’s ‘on trend’. Houseplants – why not? About time, although they don’t stand a chance if overwatered – or not watered…! The Guardian recently reported in an article by the aptly-named Zoe Wood, “Rockery all over the wold: stone gardens in style again”, backing it up by adding, “A rockery revival is under way as a new generation of gardeners, inspired by Instagram, build the features, which had been deemed old-fashioned.” That seems more like a story than a serious possibility – we suggest the future may not be so rocky after all!
The Reality
We could discuss, but we live in the real (and at present, the busy) world of gardening, dealing with not only some wonderful plants in the 17-acre Bressingham Gardens, but also some challenging weeds (goose grass the main enemy at present!) and wildlife such as rabbits, pigeons and deer, not to mention crows, moles and grey squirrels. We use tree guards and chicken netting against deer and rabbits and soap to keep the deer away from roses and other plants – but now magpies and crows have taken a liking to the soap! So who wins?
By the time we get to June it will probably be a ‘draw’… But we try to be friends too, and the gardens are richer for birds and animals including buzzards, owls, woodpeckers, as well as the more common creatures. Ducks and, recently, Canada geese, nest near the Foggy Bottom pond. Foxes and stoats are around but are seldom seen.
Enjoy your garden…
… But realise that unless you have a gardener or landscaper doing it all for you, you have to garden first. Weeding, pruning, planting, perhaps cutting grass, edging borders etc. Convince yourself (if you need to) that it will all be worth it, and put up with a few aches and pains – it’s both exercise AND therapy.
Use and be guided if you can by your experience to date, advice from fellow gardeners, and websites which are helpful. Beginners ideally should not be tempted by showy plants offered seasonally in some garden centres. Planting for success is more rewarding if you go for the tried and tested plants which will establish more easily.
We will gradually be building sound advice online, uploading excerpts from Adrian Bloom’s popular book Blooms Best Perennials and Grasses – now sadly out of print. We can offer you Adrian’s wide experience in gardening here in the UK as well as in North America, gained from his Foggy Bottom garden as well as small and large gardens elsewhere.

We are really delighted that the gardens at Bressingham are such an inspiration to visitors (see the many comments from our visitors book in Foggy Bottom over the past few years). We are passionate gardeners who realise the challenges and joy of gardening, and try to create something special in this corner of Norfolk!
We want you to have success too, and hope you are already a Bressingham Gardens Nursery customer. If so, you’ll know the quality of the plants that Jason Bloom and his small team grow and sell in 2 litre pots. New (and many older) customers order three or four times a year, so pleased are they with the top quality plants.
“I am very impressed with the speed of delivery and the excellent quality of plants supplied. Thank you so much. I am especially happy with your use of mostly recyclable packaging too.”
“Stunning … I am absolutely thrilled with the plants. I have ordered from numerous nurseries online but these stand out for their quality. Incredibly carefully packaged. Marvellous in every way.”