A stunning hybrid of C.punctata and C.trachelium. Forms a spreading clump of large, mid green, toothed leaves with many clusters of huge, deep green, pendant, bell flowers held just above the foliage in summer.
A stunning hybrid of C.punctata and C.trachelium. Forms a spreading clump of large, mid green, toothed leaves with many clusters of huge, deep green, pendant, bell flowers held just above the foliage in summer.
Campanula ‘Sarastro’
A stunning hybrid of C.punctata and C.trachelium. Forms a spreading clump of large, mid green, toothed leaves with many clusters of huge, deep green, pendant, bell flowers held just above the foliage in summer.
A stunning hybrid of C.punctata and C.trachelium. Forms a spreading clump of large, mid green, toothed leaves with many clusters of huge, deep green, pendant, bell flowers held just above the foliage in summer.
Additional information
Most garden soils
Full sun or part shade
Fully hardy
2 litre
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