An impressive combination of a compact habit and long lasting display. Large, deep blue, yellow centred flowers are held on dark stems above soft, dark green, purplish veined, mildew free leaves. H:-45cm F:-Aug-Sep
An impressive combination of a compact habit and long lasting display. Large, deep blue, yellow centred flowers are held on dark stems above soft, dark green, purplish veined, mildew free leaves. H:-45cm F:-Aug-Sep
Aster asperulus
An impressive combination of a compact habit and long lasting display. Large, deep blue, yellow centred flowers are held on dark stems above soft, dark green, purplish veined, mildew free leaves. H:-45cm F:-Aug-Sep
An impressive combination of a compact habit and long lasting display. Large, deep blue, yellow centred flowers are held on dark stems above soft, dark green, purplish veined, mildew free leaves. H:-45cm F:-Aug-Sep
Additional information
45 cm
Aug – Sep
Most garden soils
Full sun or part shade
Fully hardy
2 Litres
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