Crocosmia originates from South Africa, hybridizing in Europe since the 19th century has produced some wonderful selections for adding colour to the summer garden. Strictly speaking they should be categorized as bulbs or corms, but they are generally referred to as perennials.
Blooms of Bressingham, in the 1960s crossed the hardiest two species and selected what was to become the world’s most favourite Crocosmia – Lucifer, and the biggest.
The family nurseries have then moved on to select smaller varieties for smaller gardens and for front of border like Bressingham Blaze, Spitfire, Firebird, Jenny Bloom and Vulcan.
Lucifer and other crocosmias need full sun, they grow well in any soil type that is not too wet nor dry, but all resent poor drainage in winter. If root growth becomes congested with age, lift in early spring and divide, discard the oldest corms and replant. Protect for winter by mulcing with 10 cm (4 in) of leaf mould; in very cold climate you can lift in the autumn, cut off foliage and dry the corms in a frost free building, and plant out the following spring.
Flowers mid to late summer.
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