A spectacular German selection living up to its translated name of ‘Storm Cloud’. Forms a vigorous, upright clump of stems with aromatic, mid green leaves with a canopy of burgundy, pink whorled flower heads.
A spectacular German selection living up to its translated name of ‘Storm Cloud’. Forms a vigorous, upright clump of stems with aromatic, mid green leaves with a canopy of burgundy, pink whorled flower heads.
Monarda ‘Gewitterwolke’
A spectacular German selection living up to its translated name of ‘Storm Cloud’. Forms a vigorous, upright clump of stems with aromatic, mid green leaves with a canopy of burgundy, pink whorled flower heads.
A spectacular German selection living up to its translated name of ‘Storm Cloud’. Forms a vigorous, upright clump of stems with aromatic, mid green leaves with a canopy of burgundy, pink whorled flower heads.
Additional information
Most garden soils
Full sun
Fully hardy
2 litre
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